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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do times earned in high school meets count towards USA/year-round?

Times earned at a regular-season swim meet or at the conference championship do NOT. Times earned at the Regional Championships or at the State Championships DO count.

2. Do lead-legs of relays count as individual time cuts?

If you swim the first leg of a Freestyle Relay at a pool with touchpads (like TAC), and the second person in the relay does not false start, then YES, that sprint will count as an individual time. Other legs of the relay do NOT count as individual times since you get to use a relay start. 

Lead-legs swum at other pools are recorded as an "FYI" for me, but do not count towards qualifiers.

3. Will all swimmers compete at the Tri-6 Conference Championship?

Yes, all swimmers WILL compete at Conference Champs. This meet is also our senior recognition! In some cases, swimmers may only compete in one event because we are limited to a certain number of entries, but everyone will swim at least one race.

4. What does it take to make it to the 4A East Regional Championship?

For each division in high school athletics there are time standards in each event. Swimmers that swim an automatic qualifying time will swim at Regional Champs. After everyone that makes an automatic cut, the meet hosts will invite additional swimmers to compete until there are 24 people in each event. 

Example: during the 2017-2018 season there were 14 men that swam an automatic qualifying time in the 50 Free and chose to compete. The fastest 10 athletes with a consideration time in the 50 Free were then invited to compete with them.

5. What if I were to qualify for Regionals in multiple events?

Just like at regular meets and Conference, any single athlete may only compete in TWO individual events at a single meet. If an athlete qualifies for more than two individual events, we will meet and discuss which events you are most likely to place/score in.

6. What does it take to make it to the 4A State Championship?

Think of the Regional Championships as the "preliminary events" for the State Championships. There are three regions in North Carolina. Each region will have 24 people compete at Regional Champs in each event. At the conclusion of each Regional Championship, the top 8 in each event will be invited to compete at the State Championship meet.

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